Cameroonian Is Member of French Aviation Observatory

Fadimatou Noutchemo Simo, a Cameroonian aviation expert and founder of the Young African Aviation Professional Association (YAAPA), has been appointed member of the French Observatory on sustainable Aviation.  

The Sustainable Aviation Observatory was set last December 10 in France.  

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Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, French Minister Delegate in charge of Transport appointed a committee of independent experts to propose work themes and to give independent opinions on the Observatoryโ€˜s productions and amongst them is Fadimatou Noutchemo Simo, founder of YAAPA.  

Through this association, Fadimatou Simo, has been linking regions and encouraging Africans to see aviation potentials of their countries.  

In 2019, YAAPA was awarded the first High Flyer Award by the International Air Transport Association (IATA). 

The impact of air transport on climate change has been a major preoccupation to all stakeholders in that sector.  

In order to minimize the impact of air transport on climate change, the Sustainable Aviation Observatory was set up.  

It is intended, among others objectives, at collecting, organizing and making available to the public knowledge on the impact of air transport on climate change-and on the efforts of all players to reduce this impact in the short, medium and long term. 

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