Mohtangongho David NjeWoh: A patriot who advocates genuine peace in Cameroon

Mohtangongho David Njewoh, 44, is a Cameroonian, whose love for the country knows no bounds.

This husband and father of four children, who is a native of Baba I, Ndop in the Northwest region, wishes that Cameroon, which for years now has been witnessing socio-political disturbances in certain parts of the country, should quickly revert to its enviable status of an “Island of peace” in Central Africa.

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“I strongly wish Cameroon lasting peace and justice; peace and justice bring about development at both local and national levels, thereby promoting the good image of our country abroad,” according to Mr. Mohtangongho, who since 2017 has been serving dutifully as the Sub-director of Assets, Contracts and Supplies, FEICOM Yaounde.

This holder of a B.A Hons in Geography from the University of Yaounde I and an MBA from the Pan-Africa Institute of Development, Buea, was employed by FEICOM in 2004, and in 2006 he was appointed Chief of Bureau for Recovery; then in 2007 Mr. Mohtangongho would be promoted to the position of Chief of Service for recovery.

His contributions and commitment to the realization of FEICOM’s objectives prompted hierarchy to appoint him as FEICOM’s Regional Director for the Northwest Region (2008-2017). Mr. Mohtangongho’s efficiency at FEICOM is informed by a series of seminars and management courses he has attended both in Cameroon and abroad to improve his management and leadership skills.

For example, in 2012 he undertook a “Quality Management course”, Institute Forhom, France. In 2015, did a course on “Fiscal decentralization and local government financial management, Duke Center for International Development, USA. In 2019, did a course on “Strengthening Inclusive Economies”, COADY International Institute, Canada.

Mr. Mohtangongho says one of his role models in life was his late father Pa Mohtangongho, who taught by example. “He taught me the principles of hardwork, culture, civility, dedication and self-discipline. My father caused me to develop great interest in agriculture .These values stilled in me by my father have made to adopt a positive approach to life challenges,” he notes.

Mr. Mohtangongho wishes to see more development projects in local councils, adding that the impact of such projects should really be felt by local population.

“Seeing Cameron take-off earlier than 2035 is a dream realized“ he opines. Mr. Mohtangongho is a social mixer.

He is president of Foncha Street Football Club and the president of the Tom Sans Frontiere, (a veteran football club in Yaounde).

As head of these football clubs, he is not only concerned with supporting football but has been counseling youth on the essence of patriotism and nation-building, as well as discouraging from vices such as drug addiction.

This Baba 1 elite is also engaged in farming and his farms offer employments to many young Cameroonians-either on permanent or seasonal basis. He reaches out and assists orphans s and widows on a regular basis, an activity which he says gives him satisfaction as a Christian.

A Caring Father

Mr. Mohtangongho holds his family in high esteem and is very supportive of his Children. “As father, I take care of my family financially, socially and spiritually. I make sure my family has everything they need.

“I teach them values such as kindness and love; I advise them to treat others as they would like others treat them. I teach them cultural values and traditions.”

Thankful to Parents

Mr. Mohtangongho says he spends adequate time with his mom, Namayi Josephine, who is about 100 years old.

“My parents are greatly responsible for our success today. As a husband and father, I very much know the importance of my family. I love spending time with my entire family.” he notes, but regrets that his father Mr. Mohtangongho…. died rather too young.

”This gentleman a staunch member of the ruling CPDM and was Councilor for Babessi Council in the last mandate; he is also an adviser to the Mbogombam CPDM Sub Section and to the Nkongoa subsection in Yaounde where he resides.

Mr. Mohtangongho who is computer/internet literate, is also a good example of a bilingual Cameroonian as he speaks and writes both English and French excellently.

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