Southwest Region: Meet Pioneer Public Independent Conciliator

Telelen Dorothy Atabong epse Motaze, 60, is the pioneer Public Independent Conciliator (PIC) for the Southwest Region.

She was appointed by President Paul Biya on June 10, 2021.

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Before her recent appointment, Mrs. Motaze was already on retirement, after serving as the Southwest Regional Delegate for Basic Education, from 2016-2020. She had earlier served from 2012 to April 2016 as Sub-Director of General affairs at the Regional Delegation for Basic Education, Buea.

Mrs. Motaze took her oath of office as PIC on July 6, 2021 at the Southwest Court of Appeal Buea during a ceremony presided over by Justice Helen Fonacho, vice-president of the said court.

The law requires that a person appointed as a public independent conciliator before assuming office must be sworn-in at the competent Court of Appeal.

The Court reminded the Public Independent Conciliator of her duties and responsibilities, which include but not limited to : examining and amicably settling of disputes between users and regional and council administrations; defending and protecting rights and f reedoms in relationship between citizens and the region and councils; designing and implementing measures to prevent and combat any direct or indirect discrimination against users of the regional and or councils services; ensuring that persons serving in the region fulfill their ethnical obligations; conducting of any investigation on the functioning of regional and council services at the request of five parliamentarians or regional councilors and preparing an annual report on the state of relationship between the citizens and regional and council services .

The PIC may also propose statutory and regulatory amendments to the President of the Republic with view of improving the quality of Regional and council services.

She was urged by the Court to executive her duties well so that serenity, social cohesion and peace can return, thus boosting development, social justice and good governance.

Mrs.Motaze was advised to also carry out extensive and massive sensitization campaign, so to market the office which is a novelty in the governing f ramework of Cameroon.

Speaking to the press shortly after her swearing in, the PIC expressed her determination to live up to expectation with the maximum collaboration of people of the Southwest region.

She promised an open door policy dealing with development stakeholders, which is a principle she relied on while serving as a civil servant. The Woman behind the Image Telelen Dorothy Atabong is married to Dr.Christopher Sinju Motaze (surgeon) and their marriage is blessed with several children.

Mrs. Motaze was born on August 21, 1960 in Mbindia, Fontem Sub-division. She attended Queen of Rosary College of Mamfe in 1972 and in 1977 passed her GCE O level; she then moved to Government High School Mamfe and in 1979 she passed the GCE A-Level.

After completing high school, Mrs. Motaze in 1982 gained admission into Government Teacher Training College, Kumba, graduating in 1984 with the Teachers Grade I certificate.

Already working as a teacher, Mrs. Motaze in 1994 enrolled into the University of Buea and graduated three years later with a B.Ed (with English as minor).

In 1999, she enrolled for higher studies at University of Buea, and obtained a Master’s degree in Educational Administration in 2002.

In 2004, Mrs. Motaze got admission into Higher Teacher Training College (ENS) Yaounde and graduated in 2006 with DIPEN II Diplome des Professeurs des Ecole Normale d’Instituteurs.

Mrs. Motaze served for many years as a career teacher.She taught in Government Nursery Buea Station(1984-89);taught English in Government Teacher Training College,Ebolowa(1989-93);served as Inspector of Basic Education,Buea(1993-4).She taught in Government Technical High School, Buea(1994-2002);taught at Government Teachers Training College ,Buea(2002-2004). She would then be assigned as Cadre d’Etudes at IAEB Douala IV (2007-2008), Cadre d’Etudes at Regional Delegation of Basic Education, Southwest; from 2010 -2012 she was RPI-ICT at the Regional Delegation of Basic Education, Southwest.

It is worth-noting that, Mrs. Motaze emerged the Best Graduate, Faculty of Arts, University of Buea in 1998 and also the Best Graduate in the Department of Education, University in 1998.On November 2002, she emerged Third Best Graduate, with Master in Educational Administration.

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