Ambassador John Nkengasong

U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator Ready to Achieve

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Dr.John N.Nkengasong, 58, a global leading virologist, is the new Ambassador-at-Large, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy at the U.S. Department of State.

Before his appointment by US President Joe Biden, early last May, to these new functions, Dr. Nkengasong was serving as Director, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, African Union, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, since January 2017.

This Cameroonian-American multitasker, with about 30 years of work experience in public health, now   heads the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), which is one of the most successful global health initiatives.

PEPFAR was created in 2003 by the US Congress and President George W. Bush and this program has saved more than twenty-one (21) million lives and prevented millions of HIV infections,   Dr. Nkengasong said, June 13, after taking the oath of office as Ambassador-at-Large, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy at the U.S. Department of State.

“PEPFAR has been strengthened over the last 19 years through continued American generosity and a conviction to finish the fight against AIDS. Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, PEPFAR has proven remarkably resilient in protecting and advancing hard-fought gains against HIV as well as creating the backbone to fight COVID-19 and other global health threats. I know all this to be true, as I have lived and seen firsthand the positive impact it has had on people around the globe,” he pointed out.

“I am humbled and privileged to serve and very much looking forward to engaging with all [collaborators] as we work together to mark PEPFAR’s 20th anniversary and build PEPFAR’s future,” said the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator.

The U.S. Senate,had last May 5, confirmed Dr.Nkengasong’s presidential  appointment as U.S. Ambassador-at-Large, Coordinator of the United States Government Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS Globally.

Ambassador Nkengasong taking the oath of office

Ambassador Nkengasong is expected to work “across the U.S. government, together with partner governments, multilateral organizations, civil society, and other partners to accelerate progress on the global HIV/AIDS response, sustain epidemic impact, and contribute to broader global health diplomacy and security for the future, “a statement on the US Senate website said.

Welcoming Dr. Nkengasong as U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, on June 13 the US Secretary of State, Antony J. Blinken, said:

“In this role, Ambassador Nkengasong will lead, manage, and oversee the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the largest commitment by any nation to address a single disease in history, which has saved 21 million lives and prevented millions of HIV infections in its nearly 20-year history.  Through PEPFAR, the U.S. government has invested over $100 billion in the global HIV/AIDS response.  The health infrastructure and systems created with PEPFAR support have strengthened the capacity and resilience of countries and communities to address HIV and have served as a backbone for combating other health threats, including COVID-19.”

The Secretary of State  was confident that,  “Ambassador Nkengasong brings a wealth of experience, having served previously as the first Director of the African Union’s Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as one of the World Health Organization Director-General’s Special Envoys on COVID-19 Preparedness and Response.  He began his career at the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1995 as head of the virology lab in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, and prior to joining Africa CDC, he served as the U.S. CDC’s Acting Deputy Principal Director of the Center for Global Health and Chief of the International Laboratory Branch, Division of Global HIV and TB.”

Secretary Blinken said Ambassador Nkengasong has stepped into this role as the world grapples with the dual pandemics of HIV/AIDS and COVID-19.

“His three decades of experience in infectious diseases and pandemic preparedness make him ideally suited to shepherds PEPFAR into its next phase of achieving and sustaining HIV epidemic control,” Blinken stated.

Professional Profile

Some major duties Ambassador Nkengasong previously held include: Acting Deputy Director, Center for Global Health, U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2016 to 2017); Associate Director for Laboratory Science, Division of Global AIDS/HIV, Center for Global Health, CDC Atlanta (2010 to 2016);Chief, International Laboratory Branch, Division of Global AIDS/HIV, Center for Global Health, CDC Atlanta (2005 to 2016); Co-Chair, PEPFAR Laboratory Technical Working Group (2005 to 2016);  Director, PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center for Strengthening Laboratory Services (2015 to 2017); Visiting Professor of Virology, University of Abidjan School of Medicine (1999 to 2002);Adjunct Professor, Emory School of Public Health, University of Emory, Atlanta; Visiting Professor, WIT University, Johannesburg, S Africa.

He served on several international advisory boards including the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Initiative – CEPI, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) among others.

Educational Achievements:

Dr.Nkengasong received a M.Sc in Tropical Biomedical Science, Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium in 1990 and a   PhD Medical Sciences (Virology: 1994) from the University of Brussels, Belgium.

Ambassador John Nkengasong , U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy at the U.S. Department of State.

He did his primary education at Catholic School, Muyuka in the Southwest region of Cameroon and his secondary school at Worldwide Mission Secondary School Npondo – Muyuka, before proceeding to Cameroon College of Arts and Science (CCAS) Kumba, where he obtained his GCE Advanced Level. He obtained B. Sc in Natural Sciences (1987), University of Yaoundé-Cameroon.

Other Certificates

Dr.Nkengasong’s credentials also include: Certificate in Management and Leadership, Harvard Kennedy School of Government (2009) ; M.Sc in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Major in Virology, 1992),University of Brussels, Belgium; Diploma in STD/AIDS Research (1991), University of Uppsala, Sweden


He has received awards for his work including Sheppard Award, the William Watson Medal of Excellence, the highest recognition awarded by CDC.

In September 2020, he was honored with the 2020 Goalkeepers Global Goalkeeper Award. He is also a recipient of the Knight of Honour Medal by the Government of Cote d’Ivoire, was knighted in 2017 as the Officer of Loin by the President of Senegal, H.E. Macky Sall, and Knighted in November 2018 by Cameroon government for his significant contributions to public health.

He serves on several international advisory boards including the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Initiative – CEPI, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) among others. Awards & Recognition due to COVID-19 work in Africa

Other Recognitions due to COVID-19 work in Africa

Dr. Nkengasong was named as one of Time 100 Most Influential People of 2021;

named as 2021 Prize Laureate for the 2021 Boris Mints Institute Prize for Global Challenges, in recognition of work leading an effective and evidence-based response to the COVID-19 pandemic across Africa; named in The Bloomberg 50 as one of the individuals who defined global business; recognized in 100 Most Influential Africans of 2020 and 2021 by New African Magazine; recognized in Fortune as one of the World’s 50 Greatest Leaders; awarded the Global Goalkeeper Award in 2020 from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; awarded the Soft Power Prize 2021; awarded the 2021 Special Award by the Africa-American Institute; named as 2020 African Public Health Champion of the Year by African Leadership Magazine; recognized by The Continent as an African of the Year; received Victor Anomah Ngu’s Gold Medal for excellence in fighting COVID-19 in Africa, 2020; ranked #33 among African most influential people in 2020 by Jenue Afrique Magazine African Public Health Champion of the year by the African Leadership Magazine – 2020; awarded the Fellowship of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the highest award conferred by the school to any individual, 2021;ranked #8 by the Daily Guardian in South Africa as one of the 25 influential Africans in 2020; 2021 Africa Health Leadership on COVID-19 Award by Africa Medical Research Foundation; the CFA Distinguish leadership Award during the 2021 Ronald H Brown African Affairs Series;2021 Innovation Hero Award; audience with the Pope to discuss vaccine inequities and Covid-19 pandemic


He has authored over 250 peer-review articles in international journals and published several book chapters.

Dr. Nkengasong was born on May 16, 1964 in Cameroon and his father and mother, Mr. Mbeh Nkemnkeng Bejahnyi and Mrs. Nkemnkeng Veronica Antongonwoah respectively, hail from   Fotabond (Lewoh), in Lebialem Division of the Southwest region of Cameroon.

He is married to Susan Nkengasong, with whom he has three children. He is very bilingual-fluent in English and French

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