Cameroon Opportunities Industrialization Centre (COIC), Buea

  • Where value is added to certificates, skills and competencies for gainful employment
  • In need of marketable skills? COIC is the right place for you!
  • COIC Buea, situated opposite Great Soppo Market, was established in 1986 as an affiliate of OIC International with headquarters in Philadelphia,USA.
  • It is a non-profit, Community-based skills training programme
  • Since inception, COIC has graduated 15,350 trainees, job-placed 10,035 young men and women, and created jobs for 3,517 Cameroonians and Foreigners.
COIC Tailoring

COIC’s vocational departments include:

  • Hotel Management Catering and Tourism
  • Auto Mechanics/Motor Electricity
  • Building Construction, Plumbing, Electricity and Draftsmanship
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Metal Fabrication, Welding and Spraying
  • Woodwork,Carpentary & Ulpholsary
  • Textile and Fashion Design
  • COIC labs/workshops are well-equipped with ultra-modern machines for the best products
COIC Building

Mission Statement: Teaching marketable skills that can enable young men and women to become self-reliant, economically productive and capable of improving on the quality of their lives and those of their families.

COIC Buea is your one-stop shop for vocational Training!

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For admission and or other Inquiries: 
Contact Tel: 6827371 / 678295395 / 677232147 / 243280809 
Email: P O Box P.o. Box 57, Buea

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